Many people are really good at caring for others, giving so much of themselves. Yet, they neglect to offer the same to themselves. A key element toward creating an emotionally fulfilling life is creating balance between giving to others and extending the same for yourself.
How to have more balance in life? You can start by making sure you also prioritize your needs, by creating moments for self-care. Create more “Me” Moments that can rejuvenate and refuel you.
“Me” Moments are those times that you are engaging in an activity (or consciously choosing not to) purely because you want, and it makes you happy. It allows time for self-care.
Self-care is engaging in activities that helps you feel relaxed, and create joy. It can be anything that can bring greater peace and a sense of feeling centered. Every moment of a few minutes of self-care builds on each other. In doing so, you are strengthened to be better prepared to effectively enjoy your life, or respond to personal challenges. Also, you are then in a greater place to give to others.
Living in balance means it’s not an either/or, it’s an AND. You can continue to give to others AND give yourself moments that are solely for YOU.
What does it take to create more balance by taking time for self-care?
1. Give yourself permission to create more moments for self-care.
2. Make a conscious choice to schedule the little things that makes you smile, laugh, and enjoy life.
3. Keep in mind, it does not have to require spending money or take a lot of your time.
4. Continuously remind yourself, “I need it, and deserve it” to make sure it’s part of your regular routine.
Take some time and feed your soul what makes YOU happy.
Ideas of Activities That Provide Self-Care:
- Take a mental health day from work
- Take at least 15 minutes of just sitting when you first arrive home from work or other obligations, before shifting to other responsibilities
- Get a massage (e.g. body, foot, and/or facial)
- Go for a run outdoors
- Get a manicure and/or pedicure
- Play with your pet
- Visit the zoo
- Visit a museum
- Spend a couple of hours binge watching your favorite television show
- Watch a favorite movie
- Go to the movies during matinée hours
- Unplugging from social media
- Unplugging from talking on the phone for a few hours
- Sitting and reading your favorite book
- Sitting as you listen to music
- Taking a bubble bath
- Treating yourself to your favorite restaurant
- Treating yourself to your favorite dessert
- Spend quality time with loved ones, engaging in a fun activity
- Go on a hike
- Visit a place you consider tranquil and just sit
- Go on a slow stroll
- Get to bed a little earlier than your usual
- Sleep in one day, and don’t have anything scheduled
- Say ‘no’ more often
So, ask yourself:
What are things I can have on my self-care list?
How can I incorporate more moments of self-care?
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