We must focus on not only empowering the self, but also positively influence the empowerment of others. This article offers 5 helpful ways a woman can intentionally empower other women, and create positive change.
As a woman, it is a powerful boost to your empowerment to create opportunities to support other women in her journey of creating and living an empowered life. There are a lot of potential positive results – for the person, others, and society – from a woman helping other women in their journey of becoming emotionally stronger, self-confident, and more in control of their life.
Why Is It Important For A Woman To Empower Other Women?
It creates a domino effect of goodness and new opportunities, for all involved.
For the woman empowering other women, she will create positive emotions and fulfillment for herself because she’s freely giving to someone else and making a positive difference. The woman receiving the support will also experience positive emotions, because she is supported and cared for by another, and excited by gaining new opportunities to grow. Then, that woman who received can choose to give a similar opportunity to another woman. Quickly it multiples and many more women will gain and give positive experiences. This is a beautiful picture, full of love and care.
Sadly, many women have been taught to compete with one another – to view other women as threats versus allies – versus given lessons on how to empower. When we add the societal message of “every person for themselves,” it is a recipe for creating unnecessary negative interactions and emotional pain. Often, women talk negatively of one another through put-downs, downright sabotage another person’s reputation through malicious false storytelling, and create small groups (a.k.a. clicks) to ostracize another, communicating “they are not good enough” to be welcomed and accepted. Talk about nastiness. This is a poor picture, full of unnecessary hate and ugliness.
As A Woman, You Must Aim To Foster Love And Care Toward Other Women
There is greater opportunity for positive advancement when there is healthy and loving interactions with one another. As women, we can advance much more powerfully and quickly if we are working in collaboration as opposed to being in competition.
Positive emotions and experiences are contagious, just as much as negative ones. Be intentional about spreading all that is good, versus what is bad, to create positive experiences for yourself as well as other women.
What Are 5 Awesome Ways To Empower Women And Create Positive Change?
Each and every one of these actions are equally as important as the other. Immediately accept opportunities to do these positive actions for a woman or women.
Keep in mind, you do not have to personally know the person to extend positive experiences that supports their empowerment. It is an even greater feeling to anonymously support someone when you absolutely will not get anything from that person for your kind gesture. You will be rewarded for your kindness in other ways.
1. Speak positively into her life by acknowledging strengths and expressing positive words of encouragement. Words are powerful. Remain mindful not to speak poorly over her dreams or life circumstances. Practicing speaking using empowering words, that will help build her up versus tear her down.
2. Teach her ‘how’ to do a particular activity or task that will improve her life. It is often better to help a person learn how to do something, versus doing it for them. You can offer deeper support by teaching the steps and encouraging as she does it for herself, which will help broaden her personal views of abilities and strength.
3. Encourage her to practice giving herself a voice. Create opportunities to ask her opinion, acknowledge what you hear, and validate her (e.g. thoughts, ideas, suggestions). Encourage her to take initiative on creating her ideas into reality, and hold her accountable to follow through. Become a cheerleader and a coach that pushes her beyond her current comfort zone.
4. Motivate her to stop words or actions that are minimizing or disregarding who she is or what she desires. Gently and with care, bring attention to instances when she may say words like “I don’t know” or “it’s not important,” and urge her to rephrase to firm and clear communication like “this is what I think,” or “this is how I feel,” or “I have decided.” In doing so, you are helping her become aware of poor communication habits that are disregarding and creating limitations to how she perceives herself, and also how she presents to others.
5. Share resources with her that will create new positive opportunities. Lead the way by creating experiences for new doors to open for her, that can bring her closer to creating a dream. You can introduce her to the right people or share the proper resource (e.g. book, program, or movie) that can help elevate her mind and create new partnerships that supports personal goals.
So, ask yourself:
What ways have I disempowered other women?
What action step can I immediately practice to do differently?
How else can I continue to empower myself?
Choose to discover your desires, connect with your inner power, and live empowered as you take action to create!