It’s important to start with giving the self some love. Begin each day with an attitude of self-love because it can impact how you show up in life. We are in relationship with everything we come in contact with. Unfortunately, we tend to forget the most important relationship which is the one that starts within. Having a healthy and balanced relationship with the self will determine how you’ll show up in life. It can change the quality of the relationship with all that comes in contact. Specifically, it will permit easier accessibility to connect with what’s important to YOU and will drive … [Read more...]
Jumpstart YOUR Week!!
Take time to recognize your greatness but continuously aim to work towards an even bigger YOU. Life-long learning and personal growth can support a greater YOU. Strive to incorporate consistent internal check-in’s and assessments to monitor what is working well or requires tweaking. It’s important to recognize, what is necessary for a bigger YOU cannot take place without going inward while remaining honest. Make a conscious choice to show up in life engaged with an attitude of full acceptance has one of the first steps toward building a greater YOU. If you’re unwilling to accept both your … [Read more...]
Jumpstart YOUR Week!
We can strive to be the best version of ourselves because by doing so offers opportunities for greatness in everything we touch. Every individual has unique gifts that can make a difference in this world. Our unique gift(s) can touch the life of one individual or many but ultimately it leads to impacting masses. Unfortunately, not many people are yet fortunate to fully discover their unique gift(s). Even sadder is the reality where the gift(s) is known but not being fully embraced. Don’t let limiting beliefs or attitudes get in the way of effectively living your gift(s) and … [Read more...]
Jumpstart YOUR Week!
The one certainty of life is how uncertain it is. Life experiences can throw curve balls (i.e. unexpected changes) that often leaves one whirling. It’s always great when changes create positive results, builds one up, or fulfill desires. On the other hand, it truly sucks when changes aren’t wanted and leaves behind challenging emotions like sadness, frustration, anger, or disappointment. Managing thoughts and attitudes is powerful in remaining focused towards responding to change versus reacting. Responding allows you to be the director of how you live your life versus reacting, which only … [Read more...]
Learn How Not To Get Stuck Beating Yourself Up About Past Mistakes
Have you ever wished you can go back in time? Usually, that desire comes up when there's regret about a past choice or action. The reality is, we cannot ever go back in time and change the decisions and actions we took. And, most likely, you will live through something emotionally painful that nobody ever willingly wants to experience. We cannot go back in time, but we can make conscious choice in the present moment to make sure there's a brighter future. Although no person can fully 100% control what events are experienced, there remains choice in how we decide to let it to continue to … [Read more...]