YOU have abilities to get through difficult experiences. In the midst of adversity, there are times we get stuck on questioning ( the ‘why’s),’ or our brains trick us to believe, “I can’t make it, there’s no way I can get through this.” The truth is, you have inner strengths to go through, get through, and successfully conquer some of the most difficult situations. Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned. The difference in how one cope will result in either overcoming or succumbing to life challenges. Don’t spend too much time questioning and instead put the energy towards constructive … [Read more...]
Jumpstart Your Week!!
Make the choice to remain the driver of your life. The reality is, there will be times life presents some very challenging experiences. During those times, there's often an automatic stress reaction that can snowball into things like fear, pessimism, criticism, and doubts. What’s best during those challenging moments is to relax into the experiences and live intentionally. Approaching from a place of acceptance permits calmer energy and it can support emotional well-being, even in the midst of it all. Sometimes, we add to our challenges by struggling against the experience and getting stuck … [Read more...]
Jumpstart YOUR Week!!
Awaken to what your heart desires. Sometimes what we envision for ourselves may not be truly our own. It’s easy to get caught up with in the web of living a life fulfilling learned messaging of what is perceived necessary or creating the expectations of others. It’s easy to look outward and get distracted by the various material representations of what it means to be emotionally fulfilled. What happens when after getting all of the things checked off, there remains a discontent that further highlights an emotional void? Oftentimes, warning signs along the way were ignored because it can be … [Read more...]
Jumpstart YOUR Week!!
Take time to recognize your greatness but continuously aim to work towards an even bigger YOU. Life-long learning and personal growth can support a greater YOU. Strive to incorporate consistent internal check-in’s and assessments to monitor what is working well or requires tweaking. It’s important to recognize, what is necessary for a bigger YOU cannot take place without going inward while remaining honest. Make a conscious choice to show up in life engaged with an attitude of full acceptance has one of the first steps toward building a greater YOU. If you’re unwilling to accept both your … [Read more...]
Jumpstart YOUR Week!!
Fully accepting your uniqueness is to offer self-love. Without offering the self some love there isn’t much that’ll be available to nourish the things that are important. Your existence , meaning all of you, contributes to the richness of the world. It’s a waste of time and energy to put focus on “what’s wrong.” Better to put energy towards celebrating what is helpful and working well. By doing so, it can create building energy and an added boost towards learning ways to gain appreciation for or effectively modify the things that creates discontentment. Finish this statement… Today I … [Read more...]