Make the choice to remain the driver of your life. The reality is, there will be times life presents some very challenging experiences. During those times, there's often an automatic stress reaction that can snowball into things like fear, pessimism, criticism, and doubts. What’s best during those challenging moments is to relax into the experiences and live intentionally. Approaching from a place of acceptance permits calmer energy and it can support emotional well-being, even in the midst of it all. Sometimes, we add to our challenges by struggling against the experience and getting stuck … [Read more...]
Jumpstart YOUR Week!
We can strive to be the best version of ourselves because by doing so offers opportunities for greatness in everything we touch. Every individual has unique gifts that can make a difference in this world. Our unique gift(s) can touch the life of one individual or many but ultimately it leads to impacting masses. Unfortunately, not many people are yet fortunate to fully discover their unique gift(s). Even sadder is the reality where the gift(s) is known but not being fully embraced. Don’t let limiting beliefs or attitudes get in the way of effectively living your gift(s) and … [Read more...]
Jumpstart YOUR Week!
The one certainty of life is how uncertain it is. Life experiences can throw curve balls (i.e. unexpected changes) that often leaves one whirling. It’s always great when changes create positive results, builds one up, or fulfill desires. On the other hand, it truly sucks when changes aren’t wanted and leaves behind challenging emotions like sadness, frustration, anger, or disappointment. Managing thoughts and attitudes is powerful in remaining focused towards responding to change versus reacting. Responding allows you to be the director of how you live your life versus reacting, which only … [Read more...]
The Power Of Positive Thinking: Manage Your Thoughts To Direct What You Become
Every thought has energy. The impact of our thoughts is powerful. We see the power of our thoughts in how we view ourself, our experiences and overall realities (internal and external). Specifically, thoughts can energize us to feel good or feel poorly. It can engage us into action or cripple us into inaction. Most positive thinking can energize us, while negative thinking can deplete. Do not believe everything think. Every person, has an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. That is a lot of thinking. Our thoughts are occurring at rapid speed, and we are unaware of most of them. Because of … [Read more...]
Set Boundaries In Relationships And Say ‘No’ More Often, Even If It Is Judged As Being Selfish
This article offers a guide to reframe the view on the word 'selfish' to help guide with setting boundaries in relationships by saying no more often. Many people have a difficult time saying no to people, especially their loved ones. Often, they express frustration and anger about 'being taken advantaged of,' but decline any solutions that would mean they do not give what is asked by their loved ones. The proposed solution is quickly meant with "but that would be selfish, and I can't do that." How is selfish defined and viewed? According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, … [Read more...]