Experiencing stress about money is a common problem among many people living in America. A 2015 American Psychological Association (APA) Stress in America™: Paying With Our Health report notes results of their survey shows well over 70% of American noted emotional stress due to having money concerns and the percentages are within similar ranges across all regions ("East: 67 percent; Midwest: 63 percent; West: 60 percent; South: 66 percent"). The study highlighted the various sources of stress to include work, family responsibilities, and personal health concerns but money and finances was the … [Read more...]
49 Powerful Ways To Be An Empowered Woman
As women, we must be and live empowered. We must be especially motivated to not only empower ourselves, but also other women and girls. In Brief, The 7 Key Areas To Be An Empowered Woman: Empower your Mind - Be diligent with what you internalize and mentally focus. Empower your Spirit - Be strong in character and manage emotions. Empower your Body - Be caring for your physical being, both inside and out. Empower your Dreams - Be definite in what you want and take action to create. Empower your Relationships - Be genuine and loving in your connections with others. … [Read more...]
What Are The 7 Key Areas To Be An Empowered Woman?
As a woman living in the 21st century, what does it mean to live an empowered life? This article will give a guide for the key areas to have a positive practices to support living an empowered life. To empower is to give power and authority to someone. As women, we must first work on empowering ourselves. Why is it important to be an empowered woman? We must intentionally set out to first act on our behalf - giving full power and authority to improve our life, and live our dreams - because we know what is best. To feel empowered begins with having a positive partnership … [Read more...]
25 Ideas For Self-Care: Create Balance By Taking Time For It
Many people are really good at caring for others, giving so much of themselves. Yet, they neglect to offer the same to themselves. A key element toward creating an emotionally fulfilling life is creating balance between giving to others and extending the same for yourself. How to have more balance in life? You can start by making sure you also prioritize your needs, by creating moments for self-care. Create more "Me" Moments that can rejuvenate and refuel you. "Me" Moments are those times that you are engaging in an activity (or consciously choosing not to) purely because you … [Read more...]
Manage Stress And Enjoy Life Through Creating More Moments For Fun And Laughter
Life is so much richer by incorporating more fun and laughter. As children, play is at the top of our priority list. We look for any opportunity to spend time outside, running and laughing with friends. For some of us, we had the best times playing 'make believe,' using our imaginations to create amazing worlds. Then adulthood hits. For many people, it meant they left times of play and make believe way behind. There’s a devastating correlation where every passing year gets them further and further away from the moments of laughter, fun and play. It doesn’t have to be that way. All work … [Read more...]