This article is about finding balance with mindfully incorporating experiences that brings joy and contentment, while completing responsible ‘adult’ actions.

For many people, as they get older they increasingly create a life where all they do is live for completing ‘adult tasks’ that does not leave much room for anything else. They are caught in the bustle of work and responsibilities of paying bills.
Very quickly, they create an experience where there is very little time for play and fun. They get caught up in a state of living a life purely led by completing tasks that are a ‘have to,’ often seen as a chore, and neglect the ones that are ‘want to’ experiences. They create very little time, if any at all, for experiences where they are engaged in it purely because it brings joy and peace.
Easily, we can get into a mindless groove of doing, doing, doing—marking off the boxes — while forgetting to check-in with ourselves to make sure we are doing things that provides authentic joy for an enriching and fulfilling life.
To live a satisfying life, there needs to be a balance between the ‘have to’ and the ‘want to’ experiences.
Why should we incorporate the ‘want to’ experiences?
The experiences that are classified as a ‘want to’ are not viewed as a chore. Unfortunately, they are often placed at the bottom of our priorities list. And sometimes they don’t even make it on the list. In doing so, we can easily create a life where we are merely existing for the completion of checking off a box that does not give a full picture of our authentic need for experiencing fulfillment.
Most people do a good job living a life checking off what they believe is ‘required’ but rarely take time to slow down and ask themselves questions about how they’re doing implementing what’s needed or wanted to feed their soul.
Sadly, because we become busy mindlessly checking off the things we are told are important (the ‘have to’ experiences) we often neglect consistently incorporating the life experiences that creates pure joy and contentment (our ‘want to’ experiences).
A life where you’re ‘merely existing’ does not create a lot of positive feelings. There isn’t much contentment and joy. Honestly, how long do you think it will take before it spills over and overshadows all your experiences?
It’s important because….
Discovering what you need and want is one of the key elements in creating a fulfilling – soulful and emotionally nourished – life. Otherwise, sooner or later, you are merely going through the motions – existing versus truly living.
What feeds the soul isn’t always aligned with the things that society communicates as ‘have to’ experiences. Nor, are they the things that meets needs for physical survival. In contrast, what feeds the soul often are things that are not tangible, but they are experiences that brings pure joy and contentment.
How To Create Balance By Intentionally Incorporate ‘Want To” Experiences To The ‘Have To’ Responsibilities Of Life?
The aim is not to become careless or irresponsible, and completely ignore what must be completed to live. More so, it is about creating balance between consistently incorporating the ‘have to’ and the ‘want to’ experiences. We cannot neglect having some ‘want to’ experiences on the daily, weekly, and monthly routine because it can cost us.
Mindfully incorporating it, however small, will better position you to achieve balance and emotional fulfillment.
- Give yourself permission to identify your ‘want to’ experiences.
- Set the intention to incorporate more ‘want to’ experiences in your routine – have an attitude of ‘it’s not an option not to.’
- Schedule it in your routine, even if it’s for a few minutes at a time (better than nothing at all).
- Be fully present when you are engaged in the ‘want to’ experience.
- Spend time reflecting on the memories and emotions you felt during the experience.
- Set the intention to consistently practice.
Are you still wondering why it’s important to create balance between the two? Simply, you can continue to be a responsible adult and intentionally offer yourself internal nourishment to fulfill you. In doing so, it will be a positive resource during the good as well as the challenging moments of life. You will be the driver of living the life you choose. You will experience greater moments of joy and contentment.
Now, how awesome would that be?
So, ask yourself:
What do I like doing that feeds my soul?
What one small step can I engage in to create balance between ‘have to’ and ‘want to’ in my life?
How can I consistently practice having more of my soul ‘want to’ experiences in my day-to-day?
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