This article will transform your attitude about change, help you learn examples of indicators when you must change, and offer some helpful ways to successfully navigate the process.
Experiencing change is a constant in life. It cannot be avoided. There are many external variables – the passing of time, people, and society – that are part of the process of ensuring we all experience change.
Why is change dreaded? The specific reasons why people avoid change is different from person to person. Yet, overarching reasons are due to being driven by fear or laziness. Most people are comfortable with what is familiar and fears the unknown. They prefer being in their comfort zone and fear experiences when they must learn something new, or behave differently. For some they fear having a lack of control and experiencing powerlessness. And then there are those who just don’t want to put forth the effort and hard work.
Whatever the reason, attempting to deny or avoid change can create unnecessary emotional struggle and suffering. One of the ways we create such an experience is by continuing as is, even when we see signs that the current state is creating problems. In doing so, we are in denial and actively adding to our frustrations and pain.
Our fears are natural and normal, but we must not feed them through our thoughts and actions, to the point where it immobilize us.
How is change connected with personal development? We are bound to experience change as we are actively engaged in the process of personal development. Merriam-Webster has a great definition for the word change that offer a fitting association with personal development, “to become different” and “to undergo transformation…”
Ultimately, we must navigate change in a way that also supports our personal development. We must go through life actively engaged in a continuous growth process changing for the better – to change our character and our external engagement with life. In doing so, we will experience a full and enriching life.
Successfully navigating change takes proper mental and emotional preparation, and work. With the right mindset and attitude, it is a liberating. affirming and enjoyable process.
What attitude helps ease the process of change? Considering change cannot be avoided, it is best to stop being in denial and first accept change as a constant. Secondly, it is helpful to view it as experiences that will offer opportunities.
1. An opportunity to become transformed from the inside out – your character, outside appearance and overall engagement with life.
2. An opportunity to practice being positive, even during moments of discomfort and unease.
3. An opportunity to grow your mindset, knowledge and abilities.
4. An opportunity to create new healthy behaviors that further improves who you are and how you live your life.
5. An opportunity to manage the experience and make a meaningful impact on your current and future experiences.
6. An opportunity to experience a full life with others, being that we do not go through change alone, and make a positive impact.
The Signs That Something Is Unhealthy, Creating Toxic Energy, And MUST Change:
Even when attempting to avoid change, most people get to a point where they become ‘sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.’ Of course, the sooner we acknowledge a problem and embrace change, the sooner we can experience a lighter and brighter existence.
Here are some indications that change must happen:
- Creates critical and judgmental experiences, not helpful or constructive
- Observing and managing negative physical pain and ailments, increased medical problems
- Causing emotional stress and negative physical energy, feeling tense and uncomfortable
- Observing instant negative shift in your mood, “feeling down” or weighed down
- Creating destructive experiences that are creating more problems, sense of “ruining” your life
- No longer producing positive results, creates worry and more problems
- Fearful of change and not aiming for growth, not living your best self
Dealing With Change: How To Move Forward And Change Toxic Aspects Of Your Life
- Challenge yourself. Choose to set the intention to strive for lifelong growth. Continuously engage in honest self-reflection through assessing who you are, how you’re living life, and the overall impact on yourself and others; then consciously change the areas that must improve.
- High five yourself. Take moments to applaud, cheer and celebrate your progress in the areas of your desired change. Acknowledge your accomplishments. Set personal rewards to help motivate you.
- Assert yourself. Think, speak and engage in actions aligned with the vision of what you want. Consistently declare it, in a confident and firm way.
- Network yourself. Create a group of supporters and accountability partners that can give honest feedback and motivate you to stay focused. Use your support network. We get a lot more accomplished by partnering and working together, versus doing alone.
- Govern yourself. Set specific goals and targets you would like to achieve. Define what you want in clear details, and specify ‘why’ it is important to you. Frequently review your goals and the reasons for the change. Direct your actions, and inactions, to match what you’ve identified as your specific goals.
- Educate yourself. Read or listen to books on the topic of change, as well as other areas for growth, to further expand your knowledge and get helpful strategies. You can start with this quick and easy read titled “Who Moved My Cheese” by Dr. Spencer Johnson.
What to keep in mind during periods of change?
There is an adjustment period that will feel uncomfortable, but hold on and keep taking steps forward. You will build a greater tolerance and gain confidence the longer you stay the course during the process.
Remain patient and kind with yourself. Sustainable change does not happen overnight. Think of it as a process that you build every day of intentional engagement. You will learn from and make necessary tweaks along the way.
It is better to approach change from a relaxed and open attitude.When you are facing challenges, ask yourself “what is the lesson from this experience?” Engage as a curious student who is willing to ask questions and receive, without judgement.
Now, choose to embrace a new mindset and be open to CHANGE. Immediately, be intentional as you experience change and you will successfully navigate the process.
So, ask yourself:
What has been my attitude about change?
What areas of my life do I need to change?
How can I immediately begin to approach CHANGE differently?