In one of my earlier coaching sessions with a client, there were some wonderful breakthroughs that helped her remove internal mental clutter and fully tapped into her greatness. She discovered ways to fuel her personal power. It took her remaining willing to put the mirror before her face and acknowledge areas that needed to change. She authentically showed up, was honest and held herself accountable for actions. She set the stage to go deeper, and not allow surface answers or actions.
At a certain point of our coaching call, she began sharing some of her frustrations with colleagues who were disrespectful, unappreciative, and blatantly undermining her directives. As we continued, she experienced a lightbulb moment of pure insight. The process helped her discover, the frustrating external experiences with her colleagues were representations of what was happening within.
She was expecting a positive experience – respect, appreciation, trust, and valuing of her opinion – yet, internally she was not giving herself the very things she desired from her colleagues. Often, she questioned what she could offer and doubted her skills or abilities in a managerial role. She was rehearsing a lot of negative self-talk – highlighting inabilities and little worth – that were disrespectful and devaluating.She questioned her effectiveness and whether she could help.
Quickly, she noticed increased problems with confidently stepping forward to effectively manage the workplace problems. She began to feel and live small. As a result, her internal experience was experienced in the physical world. It is no surprise her colleagues questioned her authority and demonstrated careless disregard towards her.
She agreed when I stated…
Through our work together, one of my client’s biggest insights is how she’s “disrespecting myself by muting my personal power and playing small.” She acknowledged the limiting thoughts and attitudes that were holding her back from illuminating her full power. My client was able to create an action plan of how she’ll intentionally change and feed the powerful fire within.
My client is not alone in her experience. It is quite easy to experience doubt and worry, following negative thoughts – that we may not know enough or qualified to effectively be good. Such experiences are especially present whenever we are stepping into a new role, stretching ourselves by learning new skills, or any situation that pushes us beyond our comfort zone.
Although experiencing doubt and worry is quite normal, it does not mean we must stay stuck there. We must actively create movement toward creating a different internal experience. It is the only option for successfully controlling the thoughts where it doesn’t begin to control you.
A key step to help with moving toward or maintaining your personal power is not focusing solely on the self-doubts and worry. Instead, intentionally create action steps of various things that must be completed, internally and externally, to effectively overcome. Most importantly, carry them through.
Discovering Helpful Ways To Fuel Your Personal Power!
- Acknowledging there is a problem
- Remaining honest with yourself on how you are contributing to it
- Take time to answer the following:
- How am I muting my personal power?
- What areas of my life creating a lot of doubts and worry?
- What messages or statements am I repeating that’s creating thoughts of being ‘less than’ – “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not worthy”?
- When am I solely focusing on the skills or talents I don’t yet have?
- Take time to answer the following:
- Take time to acknowledge your worth – Applaud what you do well
- Intentionally focus and rehearse thoughts that helps you feel capable and powerful
- Identify and applaud your skills and talents, and intentionally further practice them
- Purposefully switch out negative thoughts that leads to feeling negative feelings, and internal experience of being unworthy or less than
- Take time to create an action plan of various things you will intentionally practice to begin doing things differently, to feel powerful
- Take time to answer the following:
- What do I do that helps me feel good and powerful?
- What daily practices will I practice to help me feel powerful?
- How can I consistently incorporate more of such experiences in life?
- What thoughts will I automatically switch in to rehearse when doubt and fear creeps up?
- Take time to answer the following:
- Keep in mind, do not beat yourself up for slip-upS or mistakes; remember it is a consistent practice and process
So, ask yourself:
What’s holding me back, that must be called out?
What must I do to fuel my personal power within?
Consciously choose to Discover ~ Connect ~ Live