What does it take to live a happy life? Consistently permit room in your life to include various things that nurtures your soul. It is the difference between merely living life and having a happily thriving life.
Most people go through life engaged in actions that takes the smallest amount of effort for living, and have not created room for those that require work. They do not put forth effort toward intentionally having experiences that helps them feel alive.
Living is giving yourself the minimum required – through experiences – to continue your existence. In contrast, feeling alive is actively creating the extras that bring emotional fulfillment. It requires more than breathing and going through the motions to give yourself the basics for survival; it is an active process that begins with you.
Creating joy and happiness must start with you.According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary, joy is “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.” It goes further into identifying it can come from a source or a cause that give delight. It defines happiness as “a state of well-being and contentment.” Another definition incorporates that is the result of having pleasurable and satisfying experiences.
You are the best person to make sure you have experiences that makes you feel joyful and happy. What one person defines as making them joyful and happy, will not necessarily be the same for another. Once discovered, it is your responsibility to make sure you continue to experience what brings happiness and joy.
How To Be Intentional About Creating Joy And A Happy Life:
- Sit down, take pen and paper, and write down all the core elements you need to help create happiness.
- Identify specific things and experiences that you have engaged in that brought you joy.
- Identify specific things that you want to experience to discover if it would bring you joy.
- Ask yourself “how can I have more of this in my life, now?” and brainstorm the various ways you can incorporate them in your daily, weekly and monthly routine.
- Make a conscious decision to make yourself a priority and intentionally offer to yourself first, to better give for others.
- Practice an “I must” attitude about offering yourself what brings joy and happiness.
- Be willing to try new activities and be part of unfamiliar experiences.
- Practice curiosity and willingness – have an attitude of “if I’m curious, than I’m open and willing.”
- Engage in activities you love, and set the intention to include in your regular routine .
- Schedule what you love in your day-to-day, weekly and monthly routine.
- Start each day with the intention to have a good day and repeat the affirmation “I am joyful and happy” and continuously repeat that to yourself throughout the day.
- Be around people who are generally positive and you enjoy their company.
- Energy is contagious, so be mindful of who you are in your closest social circles.
So, how are you living? Are you nourishing your very being and engaging in activities that brings joy and fulfillment? Are you engaging in self-care?
So, ask yourself…
What will I do to ‘recover’ or ‘discover’ the things that brings me joy, peace, and happiness?
How can I consistently practice what is nourishing to me?
Consciously choose to