Most people go through life not tapping into their full potential, thereby limiting their power and blocks their true brilliance from shining through.
What voltage are you tapping into as you show up in life?
We are powerful individuals, but we do not always recognize it within ourselves. In doing so, we end up living a dim life.
Imagine living life fully connecting with the truth of your innate power to be a great person who is capable of producing wonderful things. You would not be held back from being your best, or creating what you imagine. You could change the world with your ideas and impact.
A powerful existence will not only benefit you, but also helps other people around you. They will be positively affected by how you live or what you create. They would be inspired to tap into their own power, and further create goodness for all.
So, what gets in the way?
There are various things that can contribute to living in dimness. First, it starts with ignorance about having personal power. We are powerful beings, and have the same potential to do great things. It does not matter what family we were born into, our childhood experience, or life choices along the way.
Our inability to see our personal power is further compounded by repeating negative limiting beliefs or interpretations about the self, and negative assumptions about abilities. They all create a recipe for a disconnect from knowing ones power, and letting it shine.
Fortunately, we can learn how to recognize and embrace our personal power. We can do so by improving our mindset, attitude and behaviors.
10 Ways To Increase Your Confidence, To Believe And Feel More Powerful:
- Love yourself – imperfections and all
- Respect yourself – Set boundaries with what’s acceptable or not and back it up every time
- Believe in yourself by having an “I know I can” attitude
- Repeat the affirming statement “I am powerful” with emotion – have it as your mantra until you truly believe it
- Take a few minutes each day to assess moments that made you happy and proud, and write them down in a notebook devoted just for that
- See your life positively, even when things aren’t going completely your way
- Select 2-3 confident postures to practice, on a daily basis (e.g. sitting with shoulders back, making eye contact with others, walking with you head up looking ahead)
- Become an expert in subject areas of interest
- Push yourself to take reasonable risk – prepare as much as you can but take action, and learn from the experience
- Make it a daily intentional practice that grows and gains power
As of today assert yourself and claim your power. Let your light shine as you live your life!
So, ask yourself…
What’s getting in my way of tapping into my power within?
What can I rehearse, say or do, to aid with remaining tapped into my power?