Make the choice to remain the driver of your life. The reality is, there will be times life presents some very challenging experiences. During those times, there’s often an automatic stress reaction that can snowball into things like fear, pessimism, criticism, and doubts. What’s best during those challenging moments is to relax into the experiences and live intentionally. Approaching from a place of acceptance permits calmer energy and it can support emotional well-being, even in the midst of it all.
Sometimes, we add to our challenges by struggling against the experience and getting stuck on the why’s. There’s nothing wrong with questioning the unfortunate events but getting stuck on the ‘why’s’ can be the beginning of getting sucked into the vortex of negativity, ultimately living at the effects of life situations. To better respond to life challenges: make a conscious choice to accept what is, give yourself time to connect with whatever emotions comes up, then focus energy towards taking care of yourself. Those steps frees you to discover solutions that can direct you towards effective responses.
Shut down the back seat drivers of negatively charged thoughts and behaviors to embrace having full control of your life. Take control and intentionally drive in the direction of your choosing.
So, ask yourself:
How am I responding to stress?
What do I need to remain the driver?
Until next time, do continue to Discover ~ Connect ~ Live