It’s important to start with giving the self some love. Begin each day with an attitude of self-love because it can impact how you show up in life.
We are in relationship with everything we come in contact with. Unfortunately, we tend to forget the most important relationship which is the one that starts within. Having a healthy and balanced relationship with the self will determine how you’ll show up in life. It can change the quality of the relationship with all that comes in contact. Specifically, it will permit easier accessibility to connect with what’s important to YOU and will drive your chooses.
Take time to engage in positive self-talk that builds YOU, appreciating the worthiness and goodness within. Affirm YOU!
Begin by thinking and saying: “I LOVE ME. I AM LOVE!”
You are worth self-love!
So, ask yourself:
How am I loving ME?
Until next time, do continue to Discover ~ Connect ~ Live