All people have potential to help themselves reach their goals. How so? It starts with the mind.
Your mind is very different from your brain. We all have a brain that is inside our head, that provides life and existence – it controls the body. Like the brain, the mind is within us and it also has a lot of power and control. The mind controls and create meaning starting with your thoughts, which drives your experiences. It determines how we view the world, interpret experiences and what we do.
Having a positive mental attitude is a principle to successful living. What does it mean to have a successful life? Broadly, it involves an active engagement with life creating experiences that give a range of positive emotional fulfillment and personal meaning. Each person will have their personal specific definitions and needs to assess their life as successful or not. Generally, it include experiences that are emotionally fulfilling and meaningful.
Why It Is Important To Focus On The Right Mental Attitude?
Our state of mind creates our overall mental and physical well-being. It shapes how we think, feel and what we do – it drives our day-to-day life experiences. The right attitude opens the person’s mind to see possibilities and opportunities, even when it is not yet in the physical form. It helps you experience positive emotions and see solutions in the midst of challenges, which will quickly create positive change versus being stuck. You will find you can successfully celebrate the positive experiences, and better manage the negative challenges.
Success will sooner occur when a person intentionally cultivates a positive mental attitude, and consistently repeats an “I can” engagement with life. In doing so, it creates more positive thoughts and drives positive actions. Every person deserve the opportunity to achieve their goals, and experience the positive emotions from doing so.
Consistently maintaining the ‘right’ mental attitude can be challenging, yet it is not impossible. It is most difficult when you start practice of having a positive mental attitude, but it gets easier over time with consistent practice. Intentionally stay consistent with practicing a positive mental attitude, because it will determine whether you live a purposeful and emotionally fulfilled life.
Helpful behaviors and experiences to help you create and maintain a positive mental attitude:
1. Practice thinking positively
2. Remain mindful of what words you speak over your life and situation (e.g. life affirming versus negative)
3. Be compassionate and loving with yourself
4. Feed your mind with information that help improve your thinking and attitude
5. Surround yourself with people who embodies your desired mental attitude
Questions To Ask Yourself To Help Assess If You Are Focusing On The Right Mental Attitude:
- Is this attitude building or hindering me?
- What emotions am I feeling as I focus on this particular attitude?
- Am I feeling fueled or depleted by this attitude?
- Am I experiencing any evidence of physical tension or unease?
- How has my attitude create opportunities?
- How has my attitude held me back?
So, ask yourself:
What goal’s do I wish to accomplish?
What right mental attitude will help me get there?