Have you ever wished you can go back in time? Usually, that desire comes up when there’s regret about a past choice or action. The reality is, we cannot ever go back in time and change the decisions and actions we took. And, most likely, you will live through something emotionally painful that nobody ever willingly wants to experience.
We cannot go back in time, but we can make conscious choice in the present moment to make sure there’s a brighter future.
Although no person can fully 100% control what events are experienced, there remains choice in how we decide to let it to continue to play out in our life.
Do not let the details of a mistake or challenge continue on, to then create a reality that is not what you had in mind. Make a choice not to let past challenges or mistakes define who you are and how you live your life.
How Not To Get Stuck On Beating Yourself Up About Past Mistakes:
Make the choice to no longer be a victim to the effects of earlier experiences.
- Accept what has happened in the past; create a statement to remind you that you cannot change the past.
- Make a conscious choice to give yourself permission to forgive or release, and move on.
- Engage in mental exercises where you envision yourself releasing what has happened in the past, and seeing yourself how you want.
- Practice supportive thoughts of yourself, your present reality and future experiences.
- Facilitate uplifting emotions by speaking kindly of yourself, and noting the positives of your current reality.
- Take action that matches your vision of how you want to be in the present, and your future self.
- Seek the assistance of a licensed mental health professional to help process, and encourage healing.
How are you directing and playing the lead role in your life, not letting limiting thoughts or attitudes about your past stay in the spotlight?
Shine and continuously take steps forward in support of YOU!
So, ask yourself:
What past mistakes do I continue to beat myself up about?
How can I release it starting now?