Life is so much richer by incorporating more fun and laughter.
As children, play is at the top of our priority list. We look for any opportunity to spend time outside, running and laughing with friends. For some of us, we had the best times playing ‘make believe,’ using our imaginations to create amazing worlds.
Then adulthood hits. For many people, it meant they left times of play and make believe way behind. There’s a devastating correlation where every passing year gets them further and further away from the moments of laughter, fun and play. It doesn’t have to be that way.
All work and no play which can lead to a very boring and stressful life.
Fun and laughter does not need to end at childhood. When was the last time you took part in an activity you often engaged in has a child —whether it’s drawing, writing, skating, biking— or reconnected with what brings moments of laughter or joy?
Many adults get to busy being so serious and so focused on being ‘responsible,’ that they neglect spending time in activities that are fun and create laughter. In doing so, they contribute to experiencing stress.
Giving little time to incorporating fun and laughter will increase the possibility of experiencing stress, because there hasn’t been time focused on doing things that can replenish, rejuvenate and recharge. Having that reserve will increase the chance of successfully navigating difficult periods.
It is to your best interest to intentionally incorporate more fun and laughter.
Why isn’t it there more time for fun and laughter?
Often, there’s an unbalanced attitude about incorporating fun where the thought is “why bother since I don’t have has much time anyways?” The attitude becomes ‘either I get it all or I won’t even bother.’ This contributes to situations where a week becomes a month then it leads to a year, and in a blink, decades has gone by since the last time there was any engagement with fun activities.
Yes, the responsibilities of adulthood can decrease the amount of available free time enjoying fun activities, but getting small doses of it is better than nothing at all. Your overall wellbeing depends on it.
How To Begin To Incorporate More Fun And Laughter In Your Life?
- Give yourself permission to have more fun and laughter in your life
- Take time to create a list of things you consider fun and makes you laugh
- Set the intention to give yourself at least 30 minutes of a fun activity, minimum once per week
- Find ways to include other people in your plans
Ideas For Creating More Moments For Fun And Laughter:
- Have a scheduled evening where you spend at least 30 minutes watching something funny, or whatever you find enjoyable
- Watch a funny movie
- Read a funny book
- Visit an amusement park
- Read the comics in the newspaper
- Recreate a favorite childhood game, and play it
- Attend a comedy show, or watch one on television
- Go the a bookstore or the library and browse the comedy section
- Follow your favorite comedian on social media or their website to get up-to-date funny material
- Attend a funny play
- Watch funny videos on Youtube, or any other platforms that offers visual comedy
Stop with the excuses and just jump right in with creating more time for fun and laughter.Instead, think and say ‘every little moment is worth it where it’ll only get better and better.’
Be in the moment of now and create enjoyable experiences to have more fun and opportunities to laugh.
Start Living And Stop Enduring!
So, ask yourself…
What did/(do) I enjoy?
What one small change I can make to increase my having more fun and enjoyment?
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