Have you ever asked yourself the question “Who am I?” It’s a simple question that can uncover complicated answers. Often, the answer is not simple and has many layers to it (e.g. the various roles we hold).
As one reflects, you may find the answer to that question was very different when you were 10 versus 20 years old, and so on. There may be some similar components that are a foundational part of who you are (e.g. your values), but often there is some new aspect of ones being that is discovered (e.g. new interests or desires).
Your personal answers to the question of “who am I?” will continue to evolve throughout your life, because life experiences leave its imprint and create new dimensions to your being.
Your aim is to stay attuned with yourself, and be in the present moment with all aspects that creates your unique self.
During your lifetime, take time to periodically stop to ask yourself the question “who am I?” because it’s an important question to reassess your life and discover if you are living authentically. Knowing who you are, provide a guide of how successfully you are being your true self as you are creating the life you need.
In remaining connected with who you are, you can assess and decide if your day-to-day actions are matching with the kind of person you want to be and if you are actively creating the life you want. You are able to make adjustments along the way.
It’s easier to make small changes along the journey, versus waiting for things to be piled up and having to engage in a massive overhaul.It wouldn’t be fun to one day realize things just aren’t fitting with all important parts of your authentic self, and it’s been so for some time; then it becomes way too overwhelming to make changes. Instead, the periodic tune-up supports having a greater opportunity to live a fulfilling life.
Steps To Discovering Who You Are, And Live Authentically As Yourself:
ENGAGE IN PERIODIC CHECK-INS WITH YOURSELF: Every 3-6 months, create quiet moments to ask yourself questions for self-assessment and write down the answers (e.g. “Who am I?” or “What do I want?” or “How am I living life?” or “What kind of life do I want to live?”)
HAVE AN OPEN AND CURIOUS ATTITUDE: Remain open and willing to really listen to what is whispered from within, without judgment (e.g. quiet the critical voice).
AFFIRM YOURSELF: Fully embrace who you are, by having action plans that match your attitude, values, and goals.
Enjoy the journey of authentically living your life.
So, ask yourself:
What do I know of who I am?
How am I authentically being myself and embracing who I am?
Consciously choose to Discover ~ Connect ~ Live
Photo courtesy of: Mark Morgan Trinidad B (Creative Commons)