What is stress? It is the build-up of being in a constant state of having little or no control over circumstances that is experienced as demanding, which create internal mental and emotional imbalance. The experience of stress is different for each person. Similar circumstances can create very different reactions from one person to another. What one person finds stressful, the other may not. We vary widely in what we consider overwhelming and weighing us down, as well as how we respond to it. Therefore, what a person considers stressful is an individual assessment and experience. Simply, … [Read more...]
Make The Choice To Create And Live A Happy Life
Have you recently taken time to assess how you are living your life? Most people do not do so. If they do, quickly they begin identifying what they do not have or have not experienced which leads to unhappy thoughts; then they quickly experience sadness and discontent. Often, prior to that moment, there was never any time or thought given to personally identifying what would create happiness; then consciously making daily decisions that are aligned with the vision. Not doing so leads to mindless living, and ultimately creates an unhappy life. Most people do not delve deeper into … [Read more...]
Learning How To Accept Making Changes To Your Life Plans
Learning acceptance is a key aspect of living your best life - one that is right for YOU. Sometimes, we must be flexible to adjust our life plans to better achieve having a great one. We increase our chances of experiencing a great life by accepting change, and proactively putting in place new plans that give us what we want. For many people, they are living life with a plan that is not truly their own. In doing so, the plan does not have their best options for optimal personal happiness. How can that be? They may not have ever taken the time to clearly define life plans that are right for … [Read more...]
Helpful Questions To Ask Yourself To Be Your Best Self And Live Your Dream Life
Until you take your last breath, there remains opportunities to go after what you want. Many people have a long list of excuses as to why they aren't going after what they want. They find ways to push it off, and never really go after their dreams which ultimately create limitations on the life they live. They then live a mediocre life, compared to what they dreamed was possible. If you're not one of those people, awesome job and keep it up. Without a doubt, because of your active engagement in creating your dreams, you are well on your way of living a fulfilling life. If you are a … [Read more...]
Manage Stress And Enjoy Life Through Creating More Moments For Fun And Laughter
Life is so much richer by incorporating more fun and laughter. As children, play is at the top of our priority list. We look for any opportunity to spend time outside, running and laughing with friends. For some of us, we had the best times playing 'make believe,' using our imaginations to create amazing worlds. Then adulthood hits. For many people, it meant they left times of play and make believe way behind. There’s a devastating correlation where every passing year gets them further and further away from the moments of laughter, fun and play. It doesn’t have to be that way. All work … [Read more...]