You are the best person to know what you need. Take the time to create a relationship and connection with your inner world. Then listen to the messages that are communicated from within, because they can help create a more peaceful and happy life. Having a deeper connection with your inner world - your intuition - will guide your discovery of your heart felt needs. It will communicate what you need and want, and highlight the right steps that is right for you. It will ring the alarm, if you aren't listening to it. What is meant by inner world? Our inner world is all that takes place within … [Read more...]
Stop The Inner Critic: Love What You Do And What You Feel Without Judgment
You ever question yourself? We can sometimes be so critical of ourselves often questioning things we have thought, said or did. We are feeing the inner critic when we say things like: “what possessed me to do that?" or "why did I say that?" or "why won't I stop thinking that?” Our self-critical questions can go on and on. Questioning yourself is not bad, but it becomes so if it include criticism which often only leads to experiencing negative emotions that weighs you down. The reality is, questioning from a critical stance only adds negative energy to any situation, does not help you tap … [Read more...]
Ways To Practice Being Present And Discover What Lies Within You
Creating and living a life of inspiration starts from within. Take steps toward self-discovery and building your desired life. Try as we might, we cannot change our past actions. Nor can we, with absolute certainty, predict the future - what is to come. We have control of managing what is happening in our present moments - the here and now. In being mindful of making conscious choices in the present moment, we are creating a bright future. Our future realities is largely created by decisions and choices we make in the present moment. We have to stay attentive to our present to make … [Read more...]
How To Stay Focused On Your Personal Goals Through Disappointments And Setbacks
A reality is life will present disappointments and setbacks. To have such experiences is a natural part of living life. The key is not to let them define you or direct how you live your life. Many people experiences challenges in life, and they become so discouraged that they quit continuing on toward what they wanted. In doing so, they are not able to get what they want. We cannot quit, because, in doing so, we cannot successfully achieve our dreams. We must continue to live. It is important to stay persistent and consistent with putting forth energy toward what you want. At times, … [Read more...]