We are all susceptible to believing and acting out what we repeatedly see and hear – both positive and negative information – which has an impact on our emotions, what we do and how we live. Our thinking, social groups and behaviors can influence the degree of emotional negativity we feel. With time, the negativity becomes a heavy weight which limits what we do and how much we enjoy life. How Does Our Thinking Influence How We Feel ? Our thoughts impacts how we feel and what we do. Negative thoughts increases the number of negative thoughts, which lead to negatively charged … [Read more...]
Lessons From Harriet Tubman: How To Be A Woman With Mental Toughness And Courage
In honor of Women’s History Month, this article will focus on a woman of our past who demonstrated having a lot of courage. What does it mean to have courage? Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines it as having “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” There is power in having courage. Even the words used to define it – like persevere or withstand - has strength. The definition beautifully illustrates having courage as an active process, that begins from within. Prior to the outward physical manifestation of courage, there is an … [Read more...]
The Power Of Positive Thinking: Manage Your Thoughts To Direct What You Become
Every thought has energy. The impact of our thoughts is powerful. We see the power of our thoughts in how we view ourself, our experiences and overall realities (internal and external). Specifically, thoughts can energize us to feel good or feel poorly. It can engage us into action or cripple us into inaction. Most positive thinking can energize us, while negative thinking can deplete. Do not believe everything think. Every person, has an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. That is a lot of thinking. Our thoughts are occurring at rapid speed, and we are unaware of most of them. Because of … [Read more...]
How To Stay Focused On Your Personal Goals Through Disappointments And Setbacks
A reality is life will present disappointments and setbacks. To have such experiences is a natural part of living life. The key is not to let them define you or direct how you live your life. Many people experiences challenges in life, and they become so discouraged that they quit continuing on toward what they wanted. In doing so, they are not able to get what they want. We cannot quit, because, in doing so, we cannot successfully achieve our dreams. We must continue to live. It is important to stay persistent and consistent with putting forth energy toward what you want. At times, … [Read more...]