Your dreams and goals are worthy of your time. Consciously choose to spend time to not only have dreams, but most importantly to actively act on creating your goals and dreams. Use your personal power and create them into reality. Every moment spent on your dreams and goals helps propel you into creating emotional fulfillment - even when the outcome is not as desired. With our dreams and goals, it is better to know first hand details of how the experience is like, through active engagement in the process, and not live a life with regret for not ever going after it. Sometimes we do not act … [Read more...]
The Power Of Positive Thinking: Manage Your Thoughts To Direct What You Become
Every thought has energy. The impact of our thoughts is powerful. We see the power of our thoughts in how we view ourself, our experiences and overall realities (internal and external). Specifically, thoughts can energize us to feel good or feel poorly. It can engage us into action or cripple us into inaction. Most positive thinking can energize us, while negative thinking can deplete. Do not believe everything think. Every person, has an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. That is a lot of thinking. Our thoughts are occurring at rapid speed, and we are unaware of most of them. Because of … [Read more...]