We are all susceptible to believing and acting out what we repeatedly see and hear – both positive and negative information – which has an impact on our emotions, what we do and how we live. Our thinking, social groups and behaviors can influence the degree of emotional negativity we feel. With time, the negativity becomes a heavy weight which limits what we do and how much we enjoy life. How Does Our Thinking Influence How We Feel ? Our thoughts impacts how we feel and what we do. Negative thoughts increases the number of negative thoughts, which lead to negatively charged … [Read more...]
Ladies, There Is Power In Having Positive And Supportive Close Female Friends
As a woman, having a group of positive and supportive close female friends can have a big impact on how we experience life. Life is better and enjoyable with the right people by your side. Clinical research has demonstrated a strong connection between social relationships and a person's overall mental and physical health. Studies looking at the impact of social relationships have shown that we can feel happier, be healthier, and live longer when we are socially connected with a healthy social relationships. In contrast, being devoid of or having negative social relationships can create … [Read more...]
The Importance Of Acting On Your Dreams And Goals
Your dreams and goals are worthy of your time. Consciously choose to spend time to not only have dreams, but most importantly to actively act on creating your goals and dreams. Use your personal power and create them into reality. Every moment spent on your dreams and goals helps propel you into creating emotional fulfillment - even when the outcome is not as desired. With our dreams and goals, it is better to know first hand details of how the experience is like, through active engagement in the process, and not live a life with regret for not ever going after it. Sometimes we do not act … [Read more...]
The Importance Of Letting Yourself Experience Negative Feelings
Some emotions have a bad reputation that follows them. Most often, emotions like happiness and joy are praised while sadness and worry are shunned. People want to welcome the emotions that helps them feel good, but completely reject those that creates negative feelings. Why must it be so? Mostly, it is due to the uncomfortable, at times quite painful, mental and physical experiences that results from feelings like: sadness, worry, and guilt. Most people are greatly adverse to experiencing pain. It is in our biological make-up to help us not be exposed to things that could shorten our … [Read more...]
Manage Stress And Enjoy Life Through Creating More Moments For Fun And Laughter
Life is so much richer by incorporating more fun and laughter. As children, play is at the top of our priority list. We look for any opportunity to spend time outside, running and laughing with friends. For some of us, we had the best times playing 'make believe,' using our imaginations to create amazing worlds. Then adulthood hits. For many people, it meant they left times of play and make believe way behind. There’s a devastating correlation where every passing year gets them further and further away from the moments of laughter, fun and play. It doesn’t have to be that way. All work … [Read more...]