Every thought has energy. The impact of our thoughts is powerful. We see the power of our thoughts in how we view ourself, our experiences and overall realities (internal and external). Specifically, thoughts can energize us to feel good or feel poorly. It can engage us into action or cripple us into inaction. Most positive thinking can energize us, while negative thinking can deplete.
Do not believe everything think. Every person, has an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. That is a lot of thinking. Our thoughts are occurring at rapid speed, and we are unaware of most of them. Because of our brains negativity bias, often, we are mostly aware of the negative thoughts. And it is much too easy for us to continue repeating them. Dwelling on the negative create a stronger mental ability to further connect and strengthen their impact. Ultimately, it will lead to negative psychological and physical consequences.
It is important to manage the thoughts that comes into our awareness. We do not want to continue repeating negative thoughts that causes us to feel down and depleted, because we then cannot have enough energy – to embody the characteristics we choose or do the things we want. Negative thoughts can create an illusion and false perceptions that causes limitations on how we perceive ourselves, others and the world. Quickly, we will begin to live limited and smaller than our full potential.
EXERCISE: Take a moment to sit quietly with yourself and reflect back to moments of your life when…
- You were consistently feeling positively energized and ask yourself
What thoughts did I often repeat to myself? - You were accomplishing your goals, what you imagined and beyond and ask yourself
What perceptions did I persistently affirm? - You were feeling proud and fulfilled by how you were living your life and ask yourself
What attitudes did I consistently embody?
How To Manage Your Thoughts?
Our thoughts are a natural part of us. Our approach cannot be to completely ‘stop’ a thought from occurring because, due to the large number of thoughts we experience per day, our energy is better served elsewhere.
Instead, we can intentionally improve our ability to manage our thoughts by:
- Practicing mindfulness – Having your mind and body present in the now, creating silence within
- Practice being an observer of your thoughts, without attaching any meaning to it – Just the facts please
- Provide some separation from fusing with the thought by acknowledging it outside of yourself – “I am having the thought…”
How To Increase Positive Thinking?
We all experience positive thoughts. For some people, it is a little easier for them to think positively. However, the ability to think positively is a muscle that has to be exercised. The more we practice it, there is increased neuron connections in our brains that helps it be a little easier for us to think positive thoughts, and feel positive emotions.
Instead, we can intentionally focus on the the thoughts we want to have in our minds by:
- Repeating affirmations and positive self-statements.
- Acknowledge the thought without judgment, and intentionally input a new thought by repeating it in your mind and aloud.
- Review visuals (e.g images, movies) that matches the kind of mental pictures you want to have ready access to in your mind.
- Imagine your family member or friend is experiencing what you are, and say to yourself the loving and kind answer you would share with them.
- Keep a log of your positive experiences so you can go over them, and in doing so you are reconnecting with that experience and building your neurons that supports positive thinking.
- Go about your daily activities with a slight smile on your face, because it releases feel good hormones and connections.
So, what is the takeaway?
The thoughts you repeatedly rehearse will result in powerful things in your life. The key is making sure what you repeat are thoughts that produces your desired outcome. Monitor your thoughts and consciously choose to repeat thoughts that builds you up, supports your goals and vision for your life.
Today, ask yourself…
What thoughts matches who I am and how I wish to live?
What thoughts will build me up versus tear me apart?
How can I continue to rehearse positively charged thoughts?