Each day builds on another to create your life story. Each passing day is the opportunity to author and define the details of what lies within the pages of your personal life story.
Are you taking the time to consciously create your life story?
Unfortunately, many people aren’t consciously choosing the details of their life story. In such instances, they never took time to clearly define the details of who they are, what they want, the type of experiences they have, or the people that are in their life story.
Every day is an opportunity to consciously choose the details and direction of your life story.
To create a rich and enjoyable life are different from person to person. The specific rules or details cannot be cookie-cutter because we are unique individuals. Yet, there are key elements that can offer a guide and help increase the chance that the individual life story is a rich and enjoyable one.
Individually, we can be creative with the details of our life story. It requires a conscious engagement and firm dedication to letting individual uniqueness come through.
Your are the best person to clearly define the details of what unfolds in your life story.
What Are Key Elements Involved In Creating A Rich And Enjoyable Life Story?
Every day is an opportunity to consciously choose the details of your life story.
DEFINING A CLEAR POINT OF VIEW AND DIRECTION: Who is directing the details of your life story?
You are the main character of your life story. You will have first hand knowledge of all the important details needed to have a rich and enjoyable life. You are the best person to decide the deeper details of who you are, what you strive for, and actively engage in actions to create the life you need to experience joy and fulfillment.
INTENTIONALLY CHOOSE THE THEME: What is the big umbrella theme that offer a guide of what you want your life story to be about?
Individually, we must have a simple mission statement that offer direction of what we want our life to be about. In doing so, it provide clarity and a guide to facilitate the finer details in our every day decisions. It will drive what you prioritize and how you make decisions.
HAVE A RICH PLOT: What are the major events you want to experience in your life?
This speaks to the importance of having goals. Take time to create goals.It helps to create a sequence of key life experiences you aspire to meet, and continuously revise your vision throughout your life. It’s an ongoing process that changes depending on what you’ve already achieved, where you are in life, and what you want moving forward. Choose to see every day as an opportunity to take further action on your goals.
CHOOSE THE CHARACTERS: What are your character traits, and what are those of the people who are close to you?
You will be happier living in integrity with who you want to be, and it starts from the inside out. Have a clear understanding of your personal values and why they are important to you, because it will give direct how you make decisions and the paths you choose.
Create enriching relationships that is built on trust, intimacy, and love. It starts with yourself, and extends to those closest to you. Be very selective of the people who are within your close social circles, because they influence who you are and how you life your life. Have proper supports that can help celebrate the good experiences, and ease the pain of the challenges while offering guidance to help navigate through them.
Life is richer with the right relationships.
EFFECTIVELY USE CONFLICT: How do you manage the natural experiencing of conflict and problems that arise in your life?
Life can present interesting experiences that creates complexity and complications. We all experience a range of what we consider ‘good’ (e.g. falling in love, getting a dream job) and ‘bad’ (e.g. disappointments, heartache) experiences. Every person will have experiences that create joy or a range of painful emotions.
The details of what brings joy or pain is different from person to person. The truly successful people are those who learn how to quickly acknowledge and accept conflict, then work through it for their good. They don’t let challenging moments define their entire life story.
What will you choose to have your story read for today, this week, this month, this year and the rest of YOUR LIFE?
Throughout your life, take moments to discover what and how you wish your life story to read. Hold yourself accountable and make sure you are engaged in actions that portrays the details you’ve defined.
This very moment, and every new moment, live the details of a story consciously authored by you.
So, ask yourself:
What do I want my life story to say?
How am I crafting the details, with each new day?
Consciously choose to Discover ~ Connect ~ Live