Words are powerful. They are a powerful force in directing how we think, feel and ultimately what we do. They can support or hinder our confidence and self-empowerment.
The words we use influences our subconscious mind (also referenced as unconscious mind by many) which has a strong impact on how we interpret experiences and ultimately how we live.
The subconscious mind is powerful. It is like a powerhouse computer that has an unlimited amount of memory space with unlimited power supply. It operates automatically and it’s always powered on, without any need for us to do anything, posed to receive data – from all of thoughts, learned knowledge and life experiences – that is then stored into its memory. It not only stores data, but also retrieves stored information for you to use when you’re living life. And, all of its work is occurring outside of our conscious awareness.
Similar to the functioning of a computer, your subconscious mind does whatever it is programmed to do. It collects data on our patterns – mental, emotional and behavioral engagements – and group information to help the output process. It memorizes what the person finds to be familiar and comfortable to quickly produce when needed. It does not have capacity to think, have feelings or reason on its own; merely obeys whatever code of behaviors you’d already programmed into it through thoughts and life experiences.
What Does The Subconscious Mind Have To Do With Words And Language?
Simply, we can gain greater control of our life by learning ways to direct what information is stored in our subconscious mind. We can intentionally input information – such as the words we speak, the thoughts we repeat, the feelings we often create, the behaviors we consistently engage in – that will output instructions for making positive habits for effective life decisions, that will create a positive and happy life .
We often say words and statements without much thought to the energetic impact they have on our emotions and what we do. The energetic influence involves an internal experience within your body (e.g. emotions and physical sensations) and your response to it (e.g. what you say, do, or not do). Examples of the internal energetic experience include feeling positive, happy, and light versus negative, sad, and weighed down.
Words and the habitual language used have a role in how effectively, or not, we are living life. Words can produce solutions and opportunities or create more stress and life problems.
Also, our words have a negative or positive impact in the quality of experiences (good or bad) in all areas of life. There are words that create positive energetic experiences that make it easier for us to see opportunities and propel action toward great results. Other words create negative energetic responses which can weigh us down, and then we don’t see solutions or have enough force to create what we want.
We are consistently at our best when we’re infused with positive energetic experiences, versus mostly negative.
What Does Language Have To Do With Being Confident And Empowered?
Confidence starts from the inside and exudes in the outside through how we express ourselves and what we do. It is an internal state that is shown through our actions.
To be empowered includes having an inner strength of character that is cultivated through giving yourself permission to love who you are while leading your life in a direction that is positive and productive – both for your good and others. It includes claiming your right to be who you are, embracing how you feel without judgment and leading your life toward your dreams.
One of the ways we can grow our confidence and fuel our empowerment is by remaining mindful of the words we use. We want to remain mindful of practicing words that encourages personal empowerment – from a place of choice and giving ourselves a voice – versus, the negative disempowering experiences that has has playing small.
Therefore, empowering language has the power to transform us from the inside out, improve our sense of control over life experiences, and actively implement good choices.
How To Know When It Is An Empowering Versus Disempowering Language?
Empowering language helps support and propel autonomy – power over life choices and experiences. Disempowering language conveys a sense of not having choice while reinforcing victim thinking and results in limited or no action toward improving a problem.
By monitoring our language, we can better manage our internal energy (positive versus negative) which ultimately drives our actions or inactions. We can shift from feeling powerless and victimized, to feeling empowered where we are actively making choices that truly benefits ourselves and others.
- Creates positive internal state and emotions (e.g. feeling relaxed and content)
- Produces positive experiences for both the speaker and listener (e.g. clear communication and awareness of limits)
- Encourages positive verbal and physical expression (e.g. speaking up for needs and confident body posture)
- Produces positive results like encouraging confidence and personal growth
- Creates internal agitation, unsettling feelings (e.g. irritability and sadness)
- Weakens the mind, body and spirit (e.g. feeling weighed down, overwhelmed)
- Inhibits positive verbal and physical expression (e.g. not speaking up or stooped shoulders)
- Produces negative results like not making effective life choices due to being “blocked or stuck”
Our words are powerful! Your happiness, self-worth and overall life satisfaction requires mindfully monitoring your words. Set the intention to learn about empowering language and practice changing how you speak.
Are you ready to get control of your life?
In the next article you will learn more about the 10 Common Disempowering Language When Referencing Or Speaking About Yourself, and what to replace them with.
So ask yourself:
What language type do I commonly use?
How can I practice use of empowering language?